Parent-Child Research Clinic
at the University of New South Wales
The UNSW Parent-Child Research Clinic is a Sydney-based Psychology clinic offering state-of-the-art treatments to young children with challenging behaviours.
The most common child problems we treat are oppositional behaviour, defiance, temper tantrums, aggression towards people and/or animals, and destructive behaviours. We specialise in working with children and families who have failed to benefit from other treatment programs.
The programs we offer are strongly guided by what science tells us works. As a research clinic, we are committed to ensuring that the cutting-edge treatments we provide best meet the individual needs of our families.
The clinic is directed by Dr Eva Kimonis, a Clinical Psychologist and Professor at UNSW, Sydney.

Does your child show conduct problems?
These include, but are not limited to:
Temper tantrums
Anger & irritability
Aggression like hitting or biting
Little remorse or empathy
Property destruction
Poor motivation in structured activities, or
Punishment doesn’t seem to work
When a child displays these problems on most days for six months or more, this can put tremendous strain on families and relationships, and professional intervention may be needed.
Conduct problems become harder to change the older a child gets so seeking help early is important.